Saturday, August 14, 2010

Toes at the Epic Relay Race finish line. Our team finished 10th out of 42 teams and 2nd out of the Ultra teams. The 6 runners finished the race of 145 miles in 28:04 hours! All I did was drive and I was exhausted...

Toes with the AMMO art we drew for out last runner. IYAAYAS!!!

Toes with the Tetons in the distance

Toes with the Fat Boys Relay Team's vehicle. They won the Spirit Award for giving out Fat Boy ice cream sandwiches

Toes at exchange 30 of the relay race. Only 6 more to go

Toes overlooking the Snake River in the morning

Toes at exchange 12 of the race. 1/3 of the way done

Toes at the start of the Epic Relay Race from Logan, UT to Jackson Hole. 195 miles to go!

Toes at Hill AFB with the AMMO Epic Relay Race team. Before the race started

Monday, August 9, 2010

Toes with their new do... Blue glitter. **Sparkly**

Toes picking up my nephew, Jaxon

I have to be sly taking Jaxon's picture. He hates having his picture taken.

Toes at the fountain in the entrance of Lagoon.

All of our toes riding Rattle Snake Rapids at Lagoon.

Toes at Laguna Beach water park. I got a new water proof camera.

Toes with my mommy. This was the first time I saw her headstone in place.

Toes at the No Frills Diner. Yummy food there!

Toes at the trench in my yard. Watching them dig up my yard made me anxious

Toes driving home with my new keychain.

Toes at the skate park with my son. His first lesson

Toes almost home from the Vegas trip

Toes at the NY casino

Toes at the lion's den inside MGM

Toes making a wish

Toes at the statue of Lenin that is in Mandalay Bay. There is a rumor that his head was in the vodka vault.

Toes at the buffet at Mandalay Bay

Toes riding the tram from Excalibur to Mandalay Bay

Toes at the Hard Rock

Toes at the Bellagio

Toes overlooking the Vegas strip at night

Toes at the show on Freemont Street.

Toes in boots. Ready to walk around Freemont

All of our toes waiting for valet